Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Residency Re-registration Process

From Ossining School Bell, Summer 2009, Vol. 17
Residency Re-registration Begins Next Fall

In keeping with the New York State Education Department Regulations, the Ossining Union Free School District is required to ensure that all students are legal residents of the Ossining School District.  While the residency and custodial requirements outlined in our district policies are carefully adhered to during the registration process, there are limited opportunities to confirm a families residency once a child is enrolled.  In the fall of 2009, all students in grades 1,3,5,7, and 9 will be required to re-register to ensure that they continue to be eligible for educational services in the Ossining Union Free School District.  In addition, a random-selection process will be used to re-register students in other grades as well. 

During the summer, parent(s)/guardian(s) of a child(ren) in the aforementioned grades will receive a Residency Re-registration letter and form.  Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will attend a designated night for re-registration and submit the completed re-registration form with the appropriate proofs of residency.  Parent(s)/Guardians who do not complete the re-registration process will receive final notice indicating that their child(ren) will not be permitted to continue to remain enrolled in the Ossining Union Free School District.  If you have questions about the re-registration process, please contact Dr. Angela White, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education and Administrative Services at 941-7700, extension 330.