Friday, April 30, 2010

May 1 Rally in Peekskill @ 3:00 PM

Download Flyer (English & Spanish)

Los invitamos a unirse con nosotros para demostrar nuestro apoyo para la reforma migratoria y el disgusto sobre la ley SB 1070 en Arizona

Éste sábado, 1ro de mayo
hacia One Park Place , Peekskill , NY
3:00 – 5:00

Lugar de partida: 2:00pm desde el estacionamiento de la escuela Santa Ana
en Eastern Ave, Ossining NY 10562

¡Si Se Puede!

Si desea participar, por favor póngase en contacto con
Somos Ossining al (914) 462-3875 ó

Patrocinadores: Hudson Valley Community Coalition, Hispanic Resource Center, Hudson Valley Patriots for Immigration Reform, Neighbors Link, NY Civil Liberties Union-LHV Chapter, OCA-WHV, Hispanic Democrats of Westchester, Westchester Hispanic Coalition, WESPAC Foundation
Join Us To Rally In Support Of Comprehensive Immigration Reform! and Against AZ SB 1070!
This Saturday, May 1st

One Park Place, Peekskill , NY
3:00 – 5:00 PM

Yes We Can! ¡Si Se Puede!

Carpool from Ossining: Let’s all meet at St. Ann’s School parking lot at 2:00 pm
On Eastern Ave, Ossining NY 10562

If you want more information please contact
We Are Ossining at (914) 462-3875 or

Sponsors: Hudson Valley Community Coalition, Hispanic Resource Center, Hudson Valley Patriots for Immigration Reform, Neighbors Link, NY Civil Liberties Union-LHV Chapter, OCA-WHV, Hispanic Democrats of Westchester, Westchester Hispanic Coalition, WESPAC Foundation